Our modern company fleet and logistics division can help you deliver your temperature controlled shipments to all
México, US states and across Canada.
Our staff is completely suited to always have the client
as first priority.

If you are looking for truckload, we are a perfect match for our expertise. We excel at transporting refrigerated freight to and from Mexico. We also provide regular service in all states of Mexico
With all of our fleet refrigerated, Sodesa Transport is perfectly suited to be your temperature-controlled carrier of choice.

•R.O.T. cargo insurance
your load will be assured throughout Mexico

We have the equipment and the connections for long haul cold and frozen freight crossing into Canada and the US from Mexico.
Reach out to us and get more info about how your loads can be safe and securely transport with us.
We understand the value of your freight; we can be reached 24/7/365. With satellite tracking on every trailer, you can be sure your truckload shipment is safe with us.
With GPS in every trailer truck and refeer trailer, you can be sure that your load is safe with us.
GPS platforms with actual temperature LIVE.
GPS monitoring 24 hrs.